
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒我們感到不被愛的地方》

今天的卡片是療癒我們感到不被愛的地方。我們在感到不被愛的地方,也會感到被誤解。然而,會有這些感覺,其實是因為我們沒有理解,不再去愛。這在我們的療癒與成長過程中,是很關鍵的課題。學會這點、療癒這點,我們就能穿越生活裡許許多多暗藏的報復、罪惡感、憎恨。讓今天成為奇蹟與釋放的一天 ── 向前一大步。順著今天的流,讓自己被愛吧。讓今天成為最棒的可能!

HEALING WHERE WE FEEL UNLOVED is the carsd for today. Where we feel unloved we feel misunderstood also and yet it is where we don't understand and we have stopped loving taht gives us these feelings. These are crucial lessons to learn in our healing and growth process. To learn and heal this gets us over a lot of the hidden revenge, guilt and hatred in our lives. Let today be a day of miracles and release-- a giant step forward. Go with the flow of the day and let yourself be loved. Have the best of all possible days!!



