
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒有特殊性癖好的自我》

今天的卡片是《療癒有特殊性癖好的自我》。我們會有特殊性癖好,是打算將性帶回到原始的刺激裡。這樣只會讓我們越走越偏而已。我們仍是在試圖獲取外在的刺激。我們仍在試圖要從外頭的世界找到幸福快樂 ── 這是生活與關係中非常大的一個錯誤。其實我們是受邀要進入性與生活的下一真實篇章,與我們的伴侶在親密與柔軟中結合,自然而然地創造出更多的愛與興奮。祝你有個用心、美好的一天!

HEALING OUR KINKY SELVES is the card for today. We get kinky to attempt to bring back sex to its original excitement. This takes us further and further off base. We are still attempting to get outside stimulation. We are still attempting to get our happiness outside us-- one of the biggest mistakes in life and relationships. We are called to go to the next real chapter in sex and life which is joining our partner in intimacy and tenderness to generate more love and excitement naturally. Have a beautiful, heartfelt day!!



