
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒向死亡靠攏》

今天的卡片是《療癒向死亡靠攏》。 這是要找出將我們引向情緒耗竭的糾纏,如無意義、無價值、心碎。能為無意義的世界賦予意義的,是愛與靈性。要是我們沒有遠眺瞭望,看出意義只在於彼此的關係與靈性,那麼想要在物質世界找出意義,可說是難上加難。愛是靈性層面上的事,而最實際的愛、也就是寬恕,則會修復受到小我襲擊的關係。祝你今天過得精采又開心!

HEALING WHERE WE ARE NEARER TO DEATH is the card for today. It finds those strains of meaninglessness, valuelessness and heartbreak that lead us toward emotional exhaustion and death and steps us back from the edge. What gives meaning in a meaningless world is love and the spiritual. If we don't upgrade our outlook to see that meaning is all about us in relatedness and the spiritual then it becomes more difficult to find meaning in the material world. Love is the spiritual and the practical love which is forgiveness repairs our ego-stricken relationships. Have a wild and happy time today!!



