
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒需索》。需索減低我們的吸引力因為我們將自己變柔弱卻緊抓著別人來保持自己的吸引力。需索來自失去了聯繫,這實際上是我們決定分離去獨立。所以當我們有需索的時候,我們實際上有一個分裂的心靈,是去接受我們所需要的,或是困難讓需求得到滿足這乃是因為我們心靈的獨立部分所造成。我們是矛盾的。有個部份的我們想要保持獨立,抗拒去接受因為接受會讓我們再次連結。 需索使我們成為受害者狀態而這正是最挫敗的位置。今天有關真理的能量是:療癒需索再次連結。有個很棒的一天!(譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 23 Aug 2012 05:56 PM PDT
HEALING NEEDINESS is the card for today. Neediness lowers our attractiveness because we weaken ourselves and hang on others to maintain ourselves. The neediness comes from lost bonding which is actually a place we decided to separate to be independent. So when we are needy we actually have a split mind about receiving what we need or being independent part of our mind which is why we have such trouble getting needs met. We are ambivalent. Part of us wants to stay independent and resists receiving as it would bond us again. Neediness puts us in a victim stance which is the most defeated position there is. Today the energy is about truth: to HEAL THE NEEDINESS and bond once more. Have a great day!



