
今天Chuck博士的卡片是《療癒受苦的故事》。這說明總算終於了解到我們一直在編寫著受苦故事的腳本,而這是我們無法幸福的主要原因。受苦的故事對我們是有其目的,很重要的也是對愛與神的防衛。不知怎的,我們認為這是我們應得的,因此我們篡奪道並為自己寫下黑暗的故事。寫這樣的故事似乎是很瘋狂,但這也是為什麼它們一直被壓抑著和下放至潛意識。今天,我們可以檢查這些所寫的錯誤且保留的這種受苦腳本,並放掉這些。如果你仍難以放下它們,你就仍然因為某些目的而想保留著。將其放在神的手上讓和平的感受來取代。受苦的故事是對你的使命和天命的防衛。讓信任神來替代你的防衛,你將不會覺得有需要再寫這種讓自己受苦的腳本。祝美好,親愛的... (譯者: 賴裕源 Translated by Ian Lai)
Posted: 05 Aug 2012 10:54 AM PDT
HEALING THE SUFFERING STORY is the card for today. This betokens a day where we finally get that we have been scripting suffering stories and that this has been the major cause of our unhappiness. This served a purpose for us, not the least of which is a defense against love and God. Somehow we think that this is all that we deserve so we usurp the Tao and write dark stories for ourselves. It would seem crazy to write such stories but this is why they have been repressed and relegated to the unconscious mind. Today we can examine the mistaken reasons we wrote and kept such painful scripts and let all of them go. If you have a hard time to let them go, you are still using them for some purpose. Put them in the Hands of God and feel the peace that comes to take their place. Suffering stories were a defense against your purpose and destiny. Put your trust in God instead of your defenses and you won't feel the need to script such suffering for yourself. Have a good one, Dear Ones...



