
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒夫妻之間的大戰》

今天的卡片是《療癒夫妻之間的大戰》。小我在無意識中,讓對立的兩端開戰,為的是不讓我們明白,這些對立其實是虛幻不實的。以夫妻之間的大戰為例的話,這當中唯一可行的辦法是,平等與互相。其餘一切皆是小我,以及小我製造的衝突。這些大戰讓你的心靈忙不過來,於是你就搞不懂,這些大戰只是在掩藏你大師心靈層面超越衝突之處 ── 簡單、有力量、對指引與恩典敞開。不管你父母、你自己有多少夫妻之間的大戰,今天,都是享受空中救援的美好日子。幸福快樂吧!

HEALING THE GREAT WARS OF HUSBANDS AND WIVES is the card for today. In the unconscious there are great opposites that the ego sets at war to stop us from realizing that these opposites are false and illusionary. The only things that work in this particular case is equality and mutuality. The rest is just the ego and its conflicts. These wars keep the mind so engaged you don't realize that these wars simply hide a place beyond where you are beyond this conflict in an aspect of your mastery mind--simple, powerful, open to guidance and grace. Today have beautiful day of being airlifted over however many of these wars you have as evidenced by your parents and yourself. Be happy!!



