
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒黑暗女神心魔》


HEALING THE DARK GODDESS SHADOW is the card for today. This aspect is from our feminine side and it is an aspect of the ancient ego. If you have someone or yourself acting out the dark goddess around you it is an aspect of your own belief systems. To regain this part is to gain more wholeness and the ability to welcome from our true feminine. Today imagine all the shadows and self-concepts of the dark goddess as a long coat. Ask yourself what you have used this for and ask yourself if grace wouldn't better serve you. Then step out of this old and useless coat. It hasn't served you only your ego and it's desire to separate and dominate. Heaven will replace it with a gift that will better serve you. Today you can use this energy of self-hatred as it is transformed for sharing and freedom. Have a powerful day of Divine Love and grace!!



