
【PoV願景心理學】 Chuck博士每日一卡 《療癒魔鬼(塔羅)》

今天的卡片是《療癒魔鬼(塔羅)》。塔羅牌裡的魔鬼象徵了無知、以及我們將自己綑綁住的地方。我們綑綁住自己,是因為我們害怕自由,以及自由所帶來的責任。魔鬼是我們自己的信念系統,是我們受困在惡性循環裡的地方。這裡是我們與魔鬼 ── 我們的小我串通好的地方,因為我們害怕成功與親密。今天,自由的呼喚,讓我們打破無知的枷鎖、放下小我不讓你在生命裡前進的藉口。帶著得著自由所需的勇氣,過個美好的一天吧!

HEALING THE DEVIL(TAROT) is the card for today. THE DEVIL IN THE TAROT symbolizes ignorance and wherever we have put ourselves in chains. We only do this because we are afraid of freedom and its responsibility. THE DEVIL is our own belief systems and where we are caught in vicious circles where we collude with our ego, the devil, because of our fear of success and intimacy. Today the call of freedom allows us to break the chains of ignorance and give up ego excuses to step forward in our lives. Have a great day with all the courage it takes to be free!!



