
[Friday, April 15, 2011] 今天Chuck博士抽到的卡片是《療癒黑暗的代表》。黑暗的代表也許是我們身邊的某一個人,看起來完全卡住了,抗拒著順流。不管是自己還是別人,都是我們心靈的一個層面,所以也應當受到寬恕。我們持續寬恕、放下、且信任,就能轉化黑暗的代表,成為光的天使。這都是無意識深處的碎片,所以你對此的療癒可能需要不斷的承諾。祝你今天有很棒的療癒!對你、對世界來講,都是很好的機會。
translated by Ted Liao

HEALING THE AGENT OF DARKNESS is the card for today. The agent of darkness may be someone in our world that seems to be totally obstructive and going against the flow. Whether it is from ourselves or from another, it is an aspect of our own mind and so deserves forgiveness. Our continued forgiveness,letting go and trust transforms the agent of darkness into an angel of light. These are deep unconscious pieces so your commitment to healing this may require a number of commitments. Have a great healing day! It is a great opportunity for you and the world.
by Chuck Spezzano



